Nicola Giovannini is founding member and executive director of Droit au Droit ("Right to Law"). He has a considerable expertise in the implementation of projects, advocacy, media & public campaigning initiatives and scientific research in relation to the promotion of human rights, the rule of law, international criminal justice and democratic reform (carried out at EU level, in the MENA region and in Africa), collaborating with various international non-profit organisations (No Peace Without Justice, Hand Off Cain, Institute for International Law and Human Rights).
From 1999 to 2004, he served as senior political advisor of the Lista Bonino, a European Parliament bloc. He has also worked as a post-graduate researcher on European Welfare and social issues at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), and he was, from 1999 to 2011, part-time assistant at the Department of Political Sciences of the ULB under the direction of professor Jean-Marc Ferry and Scientific Collaborator in different Centres for Studies (Centre de Théorie Politique, Laboratoire d’Etudes sur les Transformations de l’Etat Social (LETES), Humanités - Centre européen d’Etudes philosophiques et politiques, ULB).
Nicola holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations as well as a Master of Arts in European Law and Political Theory from the ULB. He is fluent in French, English, Italian and Spanish.
He is the author as well as translator of numerous books and articles on political and legal theory, executive editor of several reports on EU criminal justice issues as well as co-editor of the book “The Use of Solitary Confinement in European Prisons” (Editions Bruylant, 2004).
Publication as executive editor, author or translator of books, studies, reports as well as articles/ op-eds in specialized magazines and newspapers (Le Soir, La Libre Belgique, Libération, la Quinzaine européenne, The Parliament Magazine).
Selected list:
- “Addressing Environmental Crimes and Marine Pollution in the EU: Legal guidelines and case studies”, executive editor and co-author (DAD, Handbook, 2013)
- “Addressing Environmental Crimes and Marine Pollution in the EU: Compendium of International and EU Law Instruments”, executive editor and co-author (DAD, CD Rom, 2013)
- “E-Tools for Criminal Case Management within Selected EU Member States”, executive editor and co-author (CD Rom, November 2011)
- “Justice sector institutional indicators for criminal case management. Efforts on supranational and national level, Bulgarian and Polish perspective”, executive editor and co-author (March 2012)
- “Radicalisation in the European penitentiary institutions: experimental project for the identification of jihadist radicalisation in European prisons”, contributor (Agenfor Italia, Report, 2009).
- “La détention en isolement dans les prisons européennes. Les régimes spéciaux de détention en Italie et en Espagne et les mesures administratives en France et au Royaume Uni”, executive editor and co-author (Editions Bruylant, 2004)
- « The Draft European Constitution and its antisecular article 51 », American Atheists, Quarterly Magazine of Atheists News and Thought, Parsippany, NJ, Spring 2004.
- « Le concept de société civile chez Hegel », in La société civile et ses droits, sous la dir. de Benoît Frydman et Guy Haarscher (Editions Bruylant, coll. « Penser le droit », 2004, p. 59-87).
- « La politique sociale sous le sceau de l’Etat-providence actif : esquisse d’évaluation critique », in Pyramides, Revue du CERAP, ULB (n° 1, Printemps 2000, p. 157-169).
- « Crise sociale et fonctionnalisation de l’éducation », in L'université en questions. Marché des savoirs, nouvelle agora, tour d'ivoire ? (Éditions Labor, collection La Noria, 2001).
- Norberto Bobbio, «La théorie politique de Thomas Hobbes»; idem, «La paix perpétuelle et la conception kantienne de la fédération internationale»; idem, «État, pouvoir et gouvernement», in Norberto Bobbio, L’État et la démocratie internationale. De l’histoire des idées à la science politique, Mario Telo (éd.), translation (Bruxelles, Éditions Complexes, collection « Études européennes », 1998).
- Norberto Bobbio, Libéralisme et démocratie, translation and introduction (Paris, Editions du Cerf, collection « Humanités », 1996).
- Remo Bodei, Le prix de la liberté. Aux origines de la hiérarchie sociale chez Hegel, translation (Paris, Editions du Cerf, collection « Humanités », 1995).